Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011

Europe Travel Guide

From A to Zed, Frommer's Europe guide has got you taken care of - particularly if you don't quite know where to start in embarking upon a journey to the Peninsula of Peninsulas.

Whether backpacking or luxuriating - or a mix of both - this guide can be both compass, as well as offline Google for: Things To Do in Europe.

Here's a bird's eye view (a Frommer's Europe view, if you will) of the great and could-be-better points:

- Lodging options galore, with budget ranges to avoid any obnoxious "if you have to ask..." comments

- For each highlighted site, listings of Must-Sees

- Budget your most valuable resource: Time; Whether a few days or a few weeks in a particular place, get an efficient mapping out of the best way to see what you'll want to see according to a neat little timeframe

- Tips on what will please most your senses: taking in the arts, good eats, good sounds (music), and even how to most effectively get around

- Impress the locals (everyone loves a sycophant) or just wow yourself and/or family with the background information on your destination. Yep, that's in there too

- Little jewels like Poland and Normandy, among a few others, are nowhere to be found, leaving that "I paid how much for this meal, and I'm STILL hungry" feeling

- Rather bland in read-worthy content presentation, making it somewhat difficult to not want to just ditch the book and experience some kind of excitement, even if only the thrill of discovering the country/city/town yourself

- Perhaps only for those interested in seeing the major cities/capitals...Europe newbies, if you will

- Although providing options for various budgets, this guide does not provide options for those on a starving student/shoestring budget

Can't quite call this the Bible of European travel, as it's more a zoomed out version of Europe, and will likely be most useful for those that enjoy that view (i.e., visitors to more "touristy" sites - or, more appropriately: Main Attractions).

For those that enjoy channelling their inner Christopher Columbus and travelling off the beaten path, it may be a more satisfying experience to use a region-specific guide for the desired region.

That being said, there's 1,000+ pages full of little (and BIG) goodies one's not likely to have even thought of trying without Frommer's thorough guidance.

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